"Black Eyed Peas" dziesmas "My Humps" teksts pasludināts par visu laiku sliktāko
Amerikāņu grupas "Black Eyed Peas" dziesmas "My Humps" teksts aptaujā atzīts par visu laiku sliktāko deju dziesmas tekstu, vēsta ziņu aģentūra LETA.
Festivāla "Global Gathering" organizētāju veiktās aptaujas dalībnieki izraudzījās skaņdarbus ar visabsurdāko tekstu. Balsojumā vadībā izvirzījusies dziesma "My Humps", kas saņēma 22% balsu.
Otrajā vietā ierindojās vācu grupa "Scooter" ar dziesmu "Nassaja", savukārt trešajā vietā ir grupas "Venga Boys" dziesma "Up And Down".
Vissliktākie deju mūzikas dziesmu teksti:
1. "Black Eyed Peas" - "My Humps" - 22%
"My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely little lumps"
2. "Scooter" - "Nassaja" - 14%
"It's not a bird, it's not a plane. It must be Dave who's on the train"
3. "Venga Boys" - "Up and Down" - 12%
"Up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down etc."
4. "Tinie Tempah" - "Pass Out" - 9%
"I've been (to) Southampton but I've never been to Scunthorpe"
5. Nikija Mināža - "Starships" - 8%
"Jump in my hooptie hooptie hoop I own that"
6. Taijo Cruss - "Troublemaker" - 5%
"Your ass from the side looks just like a coke bottle"
7. "The Tamperer feat. Maya" - "Feel It" - 4%
"What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?"
8. "Snap" - "Rhythm is a Dancer" - 3%
"I’m as serious as cancer, when I say rhythm is a dancer"
9. Azīlija Benksa - "212" - 3%
"I can freak a fit that pump with the peep"
10. "Audio Bullys" - "Snake" - 2%
"Head to hat, tape to that, tells a cat, snares a slack Red to pink, plate to, zinc smells a stink, edge to brink."