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Latvijas slavenību Manifests. Iestājamies par vārda brīvību un Lato Lapsu!

Lielākais palīgs izglītības izvēlē jau 30 gadus – izstāde Skola 2025 Ķīpsalā

Jaunā Armani reklāma ar Meganu Foksu spēs apturēt satiksmi FOTO

Jaunā Armani reklāma ar Meganu Foksu spēs apturēt satiksmi FOTO

Filmas „Transformeri” zvaigzne Megana Foksa (Megan Fox) tiek uzskatīt par vienu no seksīgākajām sievietēm pasaulē, un jaunā Armani reklāmas kampaņa viņas reputāciju pavisam noteikti nostiprina..

21.01.2011 09:27

Komentāri [10]

Uz rakstu ››
ute 21.01.2011 18:32
man nepatik vinas naba!
lm >> ute 21.01.2011 19:15
viola >> lm 22.01.2011 17:46
gan naba gan tetovejumi ljoti negliti..
pff >> viola 23.01.2011 20:58
Ak dievs- cilvēki pat nabai piesienas!!!:D:D
Gugu 21.01.2011 21:47
tetovejumi ... galīgi nepiestāv un jau 24 .... vnk nožēlos ...
Kiddy 22.01.2011 15:46
Patiesībā, ja to pirmo bildi noliktu, nepasakot, vai tur redzama vīriešu vai sieviešu dzimtas būtne, es pirmais nodomātu, ka tas ir tā ir vīriešu dzimtes būtne.
sexyice 24.01.2011 11:44
Mani tas neapturētu :D
hello 25.01.2011 02:45

My name is jennifer I am tall ,good looking, perfect body figure and sexy. I saw your profile and was delighted to contact you, I hope you will be the true loving, honest and caring person that I have been looking 4, And I have something special to tell you about me, So please contact me directly through my email address at (annanjennifer@hotmail.com) so that I can also send my picture directly to you.

hello 25.01.2011 02:49

My name is jennifer I am tall ,good looking, perfect body figure and sexy. I saw your profile and was delighted to contact you, I hope you will be the true loving, honest and caring person that I have been looking 4, And I have something special to tell you about me, So please contact me directly through my email address at (annanjennifer@hotmail.com) so that I can also send my picture directly to you.

hello 25.01.2011 02:49

My name is jennifer I am tall ,good looking, perfect body figure and sexy. I saw your profile and was delighted to contact you, I hope you will be the true loving, honest and caring person that I have been looking 4, And I have something special to tell you about me, So please contact me directly through my email address at (annanjennifer@hotmail.com) so that I can also send my picture directly to you.


Komentāri [10]

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