Ēģiptiešu vīriešiem acis "sprāgst" ārā skatoties uz latviešu meitenēm
MIS LATVIJA finālisti beidzot izklaidi nomainījuši pret darbu - sākušies mēģinājumi. Fotoreportāža.

Komentāri [36]
Lapa: 1 2 Uz rakstu ››
06.12.2008 17:24
Sorry to say but the photos and idea look very cheap and tasteless.
You just dont dress up wearing so open evening dress at daytime in i muslim country and especially outdoor and in the shops/streets.
One other thing i noticed girls standing outdoor in front of FAKE Luis Vuitton bags !!!!!!
Wake up you who arrange these competitions and photo sessions.....do you want the girls look and pose like prostitutes.....that what the locals think of the girls and also people who are professionals in these matters.
You just dont dress up wearing so open evening dress at daytime in i muslim country and especially outdoor and in the shops/streets.
One other thing i noticed girls standing outdoor in front of FAKE Luis Vuitton bags !!!!!!
Wake up you who arrange these competitions and photo sessions.....do you want the girls look and pose like prostitutes.....that what the locals think of the girls and also people who are professionals in these matters.

Komentāri [36]
Lapa: 1 2 Uz rakstu ››


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Iebiedēšanas akcija nav palīdzējusi, klajā nāk Lato Lapsas hiēnu cikla trešā grāmata „Mentu zaņķis”
autors:Ojārs Suvorovs